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Want to know how to keep your bones strong? Or how to keep your heart healthy? Our next blogs will tell you everything you need to know about minerals.


B is for Boron

When found as a supplement on its own, the amounts are really quite small, usually only about 3mg!

Boron is used to improve thinking skills, treating osteoarthritis and muscle co-ordination. It has also been recognised as being important for bone health. So now when you think about calcium and vitamin D for staving off osteoporosis, boron needs to be added to the list!

Boron is found in:







C is for Calcium

It is thought that we need 700mg of calcium each day which is easily found in the diet. Diary, leafy green veg and fish (when the bones are eaten) contain naturally high levels of calcium and many foods are fortified, for example, bread.

99% of calcium in our body can be found in our bones and teeth (contributing to their strength).

We also need calcium to regulate muscle contractions, including the heart beat and for our blood to clot.


C is also for Chromium

Well known as the blood sugar control nutrient, it is often depleted in processed or refining foods. It is usually recommended for sugar cravings (e.g. during PMT) and other blood sugar imbalances including Syndrome X. Found in highest levels in broccoli, liver and potatoes.


I is for Iodine

Something we don’t often talk about but found in abundance in seafood.

It is necessary for normal thyroid development of the immune system and a healthy immune response.


I is also for Iron

It is thought that up to 25% of the population is iron deficient. Known as a trace mineral, it is found in shellfish, spinach, liver, red meat and legumes.

It is an important component of haemoglobin, found in red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Alone haemoglobin represents approximately 65% of the iron found in the body.


M is for Magnesium

Due to the nation’s love of refined cereals, it is alarming to know that 70% of the population are deficient in this mineral.

Necessary for the update of calcium to strengthen bone, it is often useful to relieve aches and pains and restless leg syndrome. Due to its effects on the nervous system, it is also used to relieve muscle spasm and twitching.

As it helps muscle relax, it is thought to promote a good night’s sleep.

It is found in abundance in pumpkin seeds, mackerel, spinach, figs and brown rice.


M is also for Manganese

This mineral is involved in numerous chemical processed in the body affecting cholesterol, carbohydrates and protein. It is also applied to the skin to aid healing. It is found in nuts, legumes, seeds and leafy green vegetables.


S is for Selenium

An essential trace mineral necessary for fertility and cognitive function. Cereal is often fortified with this mineral but naturally can be found in beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish and eggs.


S is for Silica

All found in only very small amounts, Silica is present in almost every tissue. It is found in grains such as oats, barley and rice.


Z is for Zinc

Our last mineral is zinc which is necessary for a healthy functioning immune system, blood clotting and thyroid function to name but a few.

It helps wounds to heal and make proteins and DNA.

The body cannot store zinc so we need to absorb it frequently from our diet, especially from red meat, poultry and fish. It is also key in helping to maintain healthy vision.

Low levels of zinc can be associated with male infertility.

















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