Sports and Remedial Massage Therapists Chelmsford
Looking for sports and remedial massage therapists? Chelmsford residents should give Maypole Health a try. We employ fully-qualified professionals to administer therapies for a wide range of sporting injuries and ailments that require remedial treatment.
Located just off Maypole Road, between Wickham Bishops and Maldon, we are a complementary health clinic with a holistic approach towards the issues troubling our patients. Our tailor-made therapies and treatments assess your exact needs for the best results possible.
In addition to sports and remedial massage therapists, we also have osteopaths, cranial osteopaths, reflexologists, personal trainers, exercise and rehabilitation therapists and foot health care providers at your service.
Need sports and remedial massage therapists? Chelmsford residents should contact Maypole Health today to find out more or to book an appointment – call 01621 888080, email or fill out our online enquiry form.
Sports and Remedial Massage Therapists Chelmsford – How can we help?
When we administer sports massages, our practitioners are encouraging your body to repair itself a natural way. Through rest and relaxation, you should lower the risk of future injury and improve your own performance.
When you do suffer from an injury, a sports massage can assist and speed up recovery – helping you get back on track in no time.
Sports massages will target the muscles and joints you use most regularly. They differ from other massage treatments due to the skilled application of advanced stretching techniques and neuromuscular (trigger point) therapy.
Sports and Remedial Massage Therapists Chelmsford – Who is it for?
Sports and remedial massages aren’t just for elite athletes or gym fanatics; they can benefit everyone.
It is natural to create tension and weakness in our own bodies, which can be the result of poor postural habits, over use at work, genetic predisposition, or gentle exercise.
Sports and remedial massages aim to correct these imbalances while releasing tension, improving muscle function, and increasing your range of movement at the same time. They can also help ease tight or sore muscles and joints for greater movement and freedom.
More about Maypole Health
Maypole Health will be by your side throughout assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare. We place an emphasis on tailor-made therapies designed with your unique needs and preferences in mind.
We offer flexible opening times and free on-site parking too, enabling even the busiest of patients to focus on their health and well-being.
Get in touch today to find out more.